Friday, September 18, 2009

Quandary about laundry

About 150 years ago, all laundry was done by hand and hung up to dry. It seems like that would have been a lot of hard work. Today, with automatic washers and dryers, laundry has gotten a lot more simple. Or has it?

Sometimes it seems like my life revolves around laundry. Even when I don't have any to do, I catch myself wondering if I have to transfer something from washer to dryer. And even though it doesn't take me as long to get things dry (hooray for high efficiency washers!), laundry seems to have a lot of steps to get through.

1. Collect laundry baskets from bedrooms. (Yes, I actually trained my children to put their laundry IN THE BASKET.)
2. Sort into loads. As you sort, check each garment for stains.
3. Check all pockets for tissues, Starbucks receipts, and loose change. (Keep money for yourself. Consider it a tip.)
4. Treat stains.
5. Load clothes in washer and turn it on.
6. Do something else for about 45 minutes.
7. Take clothes out of washer. Separate out items that must be air dried.
8. Put remaining clothes in dryer and turn it on.
9. Do something else for about 45 minutes again. Wash next load.
10. Take clothes out of dryer.
11. Hire your kids to fold them because now you have to make dinner.
12. Two days later, discover stuff left out to air dry from previous laundry day. Put items away.
13. Begin process all over again.

See how many steps there are? How can this be simplified? Maybe I can cut down on the amount of laundry. I wonder if my kids would mind having just one outfit apiece.

Well...I guess they could have two. After all, they will need something to wear while I do laundry.


  1. mmMMmmm...treat stains. Sounds delicious!

  2. Good article Becky, just got a chance to read it. Laundry is a quandry for sure and I was just reminded of the necessity as my husband struggled to find his last pair of clean socks this morning. Wait didn't I just do laundry?
