Saturday, February 6, 2010

If All Else Fails, Try Punching Some Buttons

About nine months ago, I purchased a high efficiency washer and dryer set. Although laundry is still a major chore (Quandary about laundry here), the new appliances made it a lot easier and faster. There was only one thing that bugged me about them: at the end of each cycle, I would hear a very loud alarm letting me know the machine had stopped. The dryer let out one long, drawn-out noise, and the washer let out three sets of three equally loud noises.

Most of the time I didn't mind them too much because then I knew it was time to continue the laundry process. One load to fold, one load to put in the dryer, and one load to put in the washer. However, when people were downstairs near the machines watching TV or playing on the X-box, those alarms were especially annoying.

Now, for the record, I did look in each manual to figure out how to turn those hideous things off, but there were no directions pertaining to this. So we suffered.

Recently, I decided to mess with the "Options" control button to see if I could get rid of the noise. In just a couple button pushes, the "cycle signal" light turned off. The dryer stopped without making a racket. Later, I figured out how to do the same thing to the washer. Yippee! Now I can do laundry when company is around without interrupting our X-box games with a shrill alarm!

Of course, while cleaning upstairs I will still need my "cycle signals." But it's nice to know that I can choose to silence them if necessary.

And it only took me nine months, one week, two days, and 30 seconds to figure it out.

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