Saturday, October 10, 2009

Olivia, The Supercat?

This is our cat. Her name is Olivia. She is probably almost 15 years old. I don't know her birth date, or even her birth month. All I know is that my mother-in-law had her for 6 years and we have had her for 8 1/2 years. So, in short, she is a very old cat.

However, I am beginning to wonder if she is part something else. Last winter, we had very cold temperatures. Nothing below zero, but record lows for the Puget Sound area. Since Olivia doesn't have a litter box, she needs to go outside to do all her business. Well, despite the cold, we made no exceptions. She was put outside. I'm sure some would think this to be cruel, but hours later, Olivia came to the door asking to be let in. And she was perfectly fine. No doubt, her abundance of fat and fur protected her. At least, that was our theory at the time.

More recently, I began to wonder if Olivia is impervious to more than cold temperatures. As shown in the picture, Olivia decided that her favorite sleeping spot is a narrow ledge right next to the stairs. However, I don't think this is a good idea. For one thing, her wide girth has caused her to get off balance and topple off more than once. The other problem is she leaves brown dirt smudges on the white paint. So we could either clean this area several times a day or do something to keep the cat off of it.

My husband found some spray that, when applied, keeps cats (and dogs) away from certain areas. He saturated the ledge with this spray. Within seconds, the entire upstairs was filled with a not-so-pleasant odor. The cat stared at her favorite spot, but didn't go on it. Problem solved? No way. Within ONE HOUR, the cat was back on the ledge.

A couple weeks later, we again tried it. We saturated the spot twice within a few minutes. As soon as the spray had dried, Olivia was carefully positioning herself on the ledge.

So our cat seems to be unaffected by cold, repellent spray, and also the passage of time. (She is, however, affected by fleas.) I am beginning to wonder if she is immortal. Maybe she is some sort of mutant super cat with powers that make her impervious to all kinds of things.

Either that, or I have been watching way to much SyFy channel lately.


  1. Yeah I am pretty sure she will outlive us all.

  2. Made me laugh reading about this since one of her falls happened while we were there a few weeks ago. I can't imagine what you were having to use to spray the ledge with...hope it wasn't toxic to you guys. Impervious to most everything seems quite appropriate...wish I could say the same about me. For now, here's to the SUPERCAT!
