Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Not-so-super market

The other day, I had to make a quick run into town to the grocery store. Usually I go to the big grocery store with the really awesome deli and has a layout that mostly makes sense. However, on this particular day, I needed to go across the street to Safeway. It is smaller with narrower aisles and has a layout which defies logic. I don't go there often but I needed cans of frozen lemonade concentrate. Safeway brand lemonade is the only kind I use in my iced tea. (Other brands make it taste too lemony.)

Shortly after arriving at the store, I realized they were undergoing a major rearrangement. As I mentioned, the previous layout was just weird. Batteries seemed to be hidden in a corner. Boboli pizza crust was next to the bottled water instead of in the bread aisle. So would the new arrangement be an improvement?

They had handy dandy guides to help customers. I needed spaghetti sauce and pasta. According to the guide, this was located on an aisle named "Office." Huh? Apparently, "Office" was the mysterious corner where batteries had previously been located. OK. I found spaghetti supplies. I also needed burrito stuff. What do you know? Mexican food was right next to the pasta aisle. How convenient. Or so I thought. I found refried beans, salsa, taco sauce...but where were tortillas? I checked the guide. It told me they were at the end of aisle 11. Which was on the other side of the store. I found the tortillas eventually. Right next to...the pharmaceuticals? Whose bright idea was this? If they wanted to place tortillas at the end of an aisle, it should have been one closer to the other taco stuff.

Fortunately, there is a big Super Safeway I can go to. It's just a little farther from my house. I think I will get all my lemonade there from now on.

Or I can go to the other big grocery store with the awesome deli. The same one that puts cat food and toilet paper on one aisle and dog food and paper towels on another.

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