Saturday, June 19, 2010

Parenting 102

When a new baby joins the family, the parents look forward to many firsts. First smile, first tooth, first step. However, there are some other "firsts" that are not so welcome. These are bound to happen, though. Fortunately, there is one way of dealing with all of them.

The first time your baby--
spits up on his nice brand new outfit
spits up on your nice brand new outfit
spits up on a guest's nice brand new outfit
defies gravity and shoots "number two" all up his back (I still can't figure out how this happens)
is getting a diaper change and decides he isn't quite finished and sprays all sorts of stuff on you

But don't think these not-so-welcome firsts end after babyhood. Nope, you're just getting started.

The first time your toddler--
says a very naughty word in front of you and you realize that his TV watching should be monitored more closely
says that same word in front of polite company
comes out into the living room naked in front of the same polite company
throws a tantrum in public
loudly announces in a public place not only that he has to use the bathroom but exactly what he has to do in there
locks you out of the house while you are outside checking the mail (OK, this only happened with one of my kids)

Of course, this is not a complete list. There are so many more, but I didn't want to make this blog entry so long that nobody would read it.

So how do you deal with all these episodes? You laugh! Come on. Our kids are babies and toddlers for a very short while. You have to enjoy these times even if they are embarrassing or frustrating.

Besides, what better way to entertain guests than by telling these stories in front of friends and family once your kids are teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Adult child + First boyfriend/girlfriend + Naked baby pictures = Awesome!
