Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saga of a Tooth

One day my daughter told me she wanted to go to the dentist because the gum around one of her molars was swollen and painful. So off to the dentist we went. Little did I know that it was the beginning of a very long story.

Appointment 1: Food wedged under gum removed. Diagnosis: excess gum around tooth. Solution: something called a gingivectomy, in which excess gum is removed.

Appointment 2: Arrive at periodontist for gingivectomy. Procedure not performed. Diagnosis: Tooth broken, removing excess gum pointless. Solution: Extract tooth.

Appointment 3: Dentist wants to confirm above information. X-ray taken. Diagnosis: They're right. The tooth is broken. How on earth did we miss that? Solution: Extract tooth.

Appointment 4: Partner dentist also wants verification. Diagnosis: What are they talking about? The tooth isn't broken. It's just in at an angle. Solution: Remove the excess gum already!

Appointment 5: Periodontist wants to verify what was found at appointment 4. Diagnosis: Hey, I guess it might not be broken after all. Solution: Let's remove the excess gum. But it might not be a permanent solution. Permanent solution: wait for daughter's jaw to grow or get braces. And stop chewing on that side pretty much forever.

My thoughts: You really think that at age 15 her jaw is suddenly going to start growing significantly? And we can't afford braces right now. But thanks for getting the procedure done.

Some might think that getting a second opinion is important. Well, I got FIVE opinions. And I didn't even ask for them.

The only good thing out of this whole mess is that both my kids have reached maximum benefits on dental insurance and we might not have to pay for any of these appointments. I wonder if they will reimburse me for the gas I used up in all this driving around?

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