Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Love Fall

Since we moved into our new house several months ago, I have learned a lot of things about home ownership. One major thing is that we have to do all the upkeep ourselves. At our last residence, the leaves fell in the yard and and a few days later they miraculously disappeared. (The landlady's son took care of them.)

Now we have to rake the leaves ourselves. I have been spending a lot of time doing this and have learned a number of things:

1. Leaves pile up very quickly. I only have to rake one medium size section of yard and I have a huge pile of leaves. I can only fit so much in my yard waste bin so one huge pile a week is all I can take care of.
2. It seems like the more you rake, the more work there is to do. I just spent about a half hour raking leaves and filled my yard waste bin, but there are still leaves all over my yard. And in a few more days, the leaves will be all over the section I just raked.
3. Raking leaves can be a fun job. I like it because it gets me out of the house and it is good exercise. And I can listen to my iPod while I do it.
4. Jumping in leaves is fun. Well, I haven't done it myself but my son seems to enjoy it.
5. Someone is leaving apples in my yard. Every time I rake leaves, I come across a few apples. There is not an apple tree within sight of the house, but these apples keep showing up. Since some are small and misshapen, my theory is that squirrels are leaving them. Although I thought they buried their food.

Now that the trees are almost devoid of leaves, my goal is to someday rake up all the leaves on the ground. At the rate I'm going, I may just accomplish that before next fall.

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