Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh, What Amazing Times We Live In

The other day, while watching a movie in the living room, I received a phone call from my husband. Normally, I would not think this strange, but this time I felt confused. Because he was at home. He was downstairs in another room. He apparently needed to ask me a question. Often times, we use our cordless land line phones with the intercom to speak to someone in another room, but I guess he did not have one of those handy. So he called me. I began to think what a wonderful time we live in. Back in the olden times (the 20th century) to talk to someone upstairs, one would have to yell really loud to get a person's attention. What a strain on the throat and vocal chords. Thank goodness those days are behind us.

Nowadays, to contact a person in another part of the house, all we have to do is text them with our handy dandy little cell phones. How much easier that is then actually walking to another room to speak face to face.

Yes, this texting thing is quite amazing. Examine the following conversation taking place completely by two people texting back and forth.

A: Hey, want to catch a movie tonight?
1 minute later
B:Sure. What do you want to see?
1 minute later
A: Don't know. What do you like?
1 minute late
B: Anything is fine with me. What's playing?
1 minute later
A: Looks like that new superhero movie starts tonight.
1 minute late
B: Cool. What time?
1 minute later
A: There's a showing at 7:30.
1 minute later.
B: Great. What time do you want to meet?
1 minute later
A: Do you want to get dinner before the movie?
1 minute later
B: Sure. Love to.
1 minute later
A: Let's meet @ Red Robin @ 6 then.
1 minute later
B: C U L8TR.

Isn't that amazing? It only took about 10 minutes to make all these arrangements. If the one person had actually called the other person on that same phone, it might have taken up to TWO ENTIRE MINUTES to make those same arrangements.

Aren't we thankful for all this wonderful modern technology?