Thursday, May 20, 2010

Garden Update

Now that it is late spring, my flower bed has changed quite a bit. The hyacinths and daffodils have passed their blooming time and have been cut back. But the roses are just getting going. I have also planted some pansies.

We have a concrete planter at the corner of one flower bed and I decided to put some strawberry plants in there. I haven't actually planted them yet so they are still in the little flower pots that I originally bought them in. But I saw something today that motivated me to get them planted soon. It was an actual little tiny green strawberry. (See top picture) There are other blossoms on the plant so I am hoping we get a little crop of strawberries this season.

The other picture is one of my rosebushes. Last year, we got quite a few roses, but only from one bush. The lower picture is of the other bush that didn't bloom. Why it decided to bloom this year is just as big of a mystery as what kept it from blooming last year. I am looking forward to seeing what color its flowers are.

As soon as I have more color in my garden, I will post more colorful pictures. After all, one reason why I started blogging is so I could post pictures of my flower bed.